
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Florida Sunsets

As promised, this post will be about sunsets. They were the most amazing I've ever seen.

I like the softness of this sunset. It was amazing. I use this word a lot. But it's true. People pulled off to the side of the road, their mouths open, just to witness this magnificence. I was one of them.

This one too had my mouth agape. Do you see the couple at the bottom of the picture on the right? That couple had the right idea. They had a couple of cold drinks, a blanket, and sandals.

I had a lot of open-jawed moments around sunset time in Florida. This one is yet another. The clouds this day put on such a display. The picture doesn't do it justice. Just try to imagine a warm breeze gently rolling the waves.

So I really, really liked this spot. And had to endure what I thought were mosquito stings to get the shots here. Turns out, these were not mosquitoes but "sand flies". I still have scars. But isn't this spot pretty? I spent hours at this particular spot, taking pictures, enjoying the sound of the waves, not realizing that I'm being practically eaten alive by the creatures I never new existed.

Look at the clouds! They were so incredibly pink. And look! they're shaped like either a fish or a shell. I vote for shell. You see the conch shell, right? How perfect.

Like I said, I really liked that spot. And just look at those spectacular clouds. Breathtaking doesn't describe it.

After Day 5 in Florida

Uh..... I forgot what I did on which day after Day 5 since it's been about six months since I came back from Florida. But here's a rundown of some other cool things I saw and did.

I spent a day at Ding Darling Wildlife Refuge. Actually, I spent about two days there. On one of the days I took a trolley tour through the refuge and the tour guide was a very nice elderly woman who told us about the habitat and wild life. We saw tree crabs, flying fish (no really, the fish would jump a few feet out of the water and then back in), and all kinds of birds. I really liked the tour but there wasn't enough time for all the pictures I wanted to take, so I came back the next day and spent about 3 hours or so on the grounds.

On one of the evenings, I took a sunset cruise in the refuge. This picture is from that trip. If you're going to take a cruise, I'd highly recommend the sunset one because you see more birds and you see them in a way you wouldn't if it weren't sunset.

I saw amazing birds. I saw blue crabs. I saw sunlight. I saw sea shells. I saw beaches. I saw mangroves. It was absolutely amazing.

There were mangrove islands, sandbars where birds would gather, treetops where the birds would perch.

But the most amazing thing I saw were the sunsets. But I'll have a separate post of photos for that.

Beaches. Did I mention how amazing the beaches are? Did I also mention that they're all made of shell? So you get to see all these beauties everywhere! And I got a decent collection of those. :)